Bloodborne: My Story of Hope and Despair, but Mostly Despair (The Prequel)

I am a fool.  I have never played any of the Dark Souls games (or Demon Souls) and in general, I am not good at difficult games.  Typically, I will play things on an easier difficulty so I can ensure I play-through it with little trouble.  When I go back to a game I will play it on a higher difficulty, but I only like being challenged by something I have beaten before.  Well, it is time to accept a new challenge and get my ass kicked.  I bought Bloodborne.


This is a prequel to what will become my chronicling of my perilous journey through the difficult Bloodborne.  Why did I purchase this game?  Well, a lot of people are talking about it, raving actually.  The hype is real and in a way, I have totally given in.  I have decided to give this genre a chance and what better way than by playing this critically acclaimed, supposed console-seller?

I have accepted that this game is going to kick my ass.  I get frustrated easily with challenges and hate being stuck in games, hence why I like to get through them easily!  I am forcing myself to try and get rid of those limitations.  I hope I will love this game.  I hope it will be a memorable experience.  Perhaps I will emerge from this with a new perspective.  Perhaps I will become better at games in general, with a new skill-set and impeccable timing and reaction and incredible hand-eye coordination.  Perhaps I will hate the game, never play it again, and throw my controller through the wall.  While the ladder of these statements is the most likely, I believe I will fall somewhere in the middle.

I have been doing a bit of research on origin types and best ways to start off with no prior experience, in an attempt to ease my probable pain.  The above video has been especially helpful in my preparation efforts.  Will any of this help?  That remains to be seen.  All I know is that Easter break starts today, and I know how I’ll be spending a bunch of it.  Hope for the best, expect the worst.

This is but the beginning….

I will update as I continue to play so be on the lookout for more.  Any words of advice from someone more experienced?  Any thoughts on Bloodborne in general?  Let us know in the comments below!  Thanks for reading!


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