Justin’s Top 5 e3 Wishes

It is here!! The Electronic Entertainment Expo, commonly referred to as e3, will be up and running come this Sunday, June 14th. While everybody has different expectations and hopes for e3, here is a nice little list of the things I am hoping and praying to see this year at e3!!!! Continue reading

How Ubisoft is Trying to Change Narrative in Games and Why Their Solution Should be Obvious – Opinion

Story and gameplay are arguably the most prevalent and important elements in a game.  It is easy to pick out the things we love or hate about them and these factors become the fuel for our opinions.  Before a game is released, a lot of attention is put on gameplay, which of course makes sense.  People test the gameplay and the developers receive feedback from test groups so they can make sure they have everything as it needs to be.  However, this is only one critical component.  Where is the attention on story?  Why does the narrative of games not receive as much of a focus?  I recently read an article on Polygon (click here to read it!) which discussed a new way Ubisoft is beginning to approach narrative during the development process of their games and it really makes me wonder why this has not been done all along.

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Uncharted 4 Delayed to Spring 2016 – News/Opinion

Whenever I see that game that I am highly anticipating has been reviewed, I always feel conflicted.  The impatient part of me feels frustrated because naturally, I want to get my hands on a great game as soon as I can which is why I constantly fall victim to pre-orders.  Whether or not pre-ordering games is good or bad is for another article, maybe next time.  Still, delays are happening more and more often and as of today, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, originally expected to release later this year, is the latest to fall victim of this familiar occurrence.

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Destiny: In Depth on the 1.1.1 Patch and into the Inferno

Last week, I posted a review on the 1.1.1 patch for Destiny and now I return with the results of a week with these new updates. First order of business with the drop of this new patch was to test out how the weapon tuning affected damage and overall performance of weapons in game. To test this I went to the popular glimmer farming spot in the Exclusion Zone at level 30, running through as a level 32 Hunter to test each weapon class that was affected by the patch.

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Opinion – Batman: Arkham Knight is Rated “M” for the Right Reasons

Greetings, I am back after several months to offer my opinion on my most anticipated game coming relatively soon.  Batman: Arkham Knight ranked number 1 on my top 8 games list that I published in August.  Arkham Knight is one of two games on that list that had not been released and my hype has not died down whatsoever.  I was inspired by this news and reactions I read, as well as an interview with someone from Rocksteady, to take some time and briefly write my opinion!

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