Bethesda E3 Press Conference: The Big 3

If Bethesda knows one thing, it’s how to please their fans. For their first ever press conference, Bethesda absolutely killed it. This conference was perhaps one of the best conferences in the past few years! Here is a nice and quick summary of everything major that happened last night with Bethesda. Continue reading

Impressions – Microsoft’s E3 Conference

Wow, Microsoft just took one confident step onto the E3 stage, guns blazing.  This year’s conference easily topped that of the previous two years and Sony will need to step things up in order to go head-to-head with Microsoft’s impressive lineup.

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3 Things I Want to See At E3

It’s here!  E3, easily the most exciting week in the video game industry started Sunday night with Bethesda’s conference and continues through the week. Monday will be the most exciting day, with the bulk of conferences including Microsoft, Sony, Ubisoft, and EA. Are you excited? I sure am, which I why I have decided to write about three hopes for what I would like to see at E3.

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Batman: Arkham Knight Speculation – Joker to Appear in Arkham Knight?

I was browsing news reports today when I came across this pretty awesome speculation that I think holds up pretty well.  Sure, many will write it off immediately given that the Joker is being related to Arkham Knight.  Given his status at the end of Arkham City, this is easy to write off at first glance.  However, if you bear with me and follow this convincing line of thought, you might get interested and even convinced.

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