5 Ways to Make a Good Spiderman Video Game

Back during the 6th generation of consoles, there came what many believed to be the definite standard for video games based on superheroes, and that game was Spiderman 2. Although the title and definitive standard has been taken by Rocksteady’s Batman: Arkham game series, many gamers unanimously agree that Spiderman 2 is not only one of the best superhero games, but also the definitive Spiderman game. In recent years, the web head hasn’t fared well on the gaming front, from very poor camera controls, weird-feeling web swing mechanics, to just bland repetitive combat. While Shattered Dimensions offered a glimmer of hope, that hope was smashed with the rushed movie tie-ins. Here is what I think would help to make a great (or at least decent) Spiderman game:

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James’s E3 Wish List 2016

E3 begins today!  Anyone who pays attention to the video game industry knows that E3 is the best time of the year for new game reveals.  Every year, people debate over what they expect to see, and come June 13th, most will be revealed.  I wrote this same post last year, where I listed a few things I wanted at E3, and so this year, I will compare my list then and add to it for E3 2016!

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A Thank You to EpicNameBro (from a gamer who used to fear the Souls Series)

Note: I originally posted this on EpicNameBro‘s new subreddit – r/enbro.  For those of you who are unfamiliar, ENB (Marcus) has a channel on YouTube where he posts Let’s Plays and other video game content (primarily focusing on the Souls Series).  I am posting this here in hopes that even one person will read this and be introduced to his wonderful videos.  He quickly became and still is my favorite YouTuber.  He has a passion for games and his community and is very interacive with his fans on his Twitter account.  I encourage you to at the very least check out a couple of his videos I will link here (scroll down) and if you enjoy – check him out and subscribe!

Read on for my letter to Marcus detailing how I became a fan of the Souls Series and his content:

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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Review)


I remember in 2009, when I went into Best Buy with 60 bucks in hand, looking for a game that I could have fun with over the summer. The pickings were rather slim, with nothing that I felt was interesting. Then, I stumbled upon the last copy of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. I thought to myself “Hmm, well there really isn’t anything else I like here, might as well just get this.” Little did I know that this decision would spark a passionate love for a saga that was established well before my birth. I have become engrossed with the lore and saga of Metal Gear. From Guns of the Patriot, my first Metal Gear game (and by far my favorite), to the emotional roller coaster of the saga’s prequel Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, to the 8-bit Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, and even the non-canon Snake’s Revenge, Acid, and Portable Ops, my friends can attest to my passion and love of this Saga. That is why I am more than honored, after finally completing this game 100%, to be giving a full review of the final entry into the Metal Gear Saga, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

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Amazon is Now Offering 20% Off New Video Game Orders for Prime Users

Good news, Amazon Prime users!  You will now be able to pre-order your new games at a discounted price of 20% off.  This offer still applies up to two weeks after the game’s initial release date.  I did a bit of research and found that this also applies to collectors’ editions and apparently, all existing Prime members’ pre-orders will be modified to include the new discount (though I checked a few of my existing pre-orders and this has not been applied yet).

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