James’s E3 2016 Impressions Part 1: EA, Bethesda, Microsoft, and Ubisoft

We are finally in the midst of E3 and the majority of the press conferences have taken place.  There has already been a fairly mixed bag and I would like to take some time here to gather my thoughts (a mix of positive and negative) and dive into what I thought about each of these conferences.

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Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Release Date and Gameplay Details

As expected, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate was announced this morning and it will hit stores October 23rd.  This game boasts the largest map so far along with multiple new gameplay features.  Among these features is a new hand-to-hand combat system and the ability to drive vehicles.  Both of these new features were prominent in the video with the primary vehicle being horse carriages.  The game will feature a faster and more brutal combat style, with new Assassins Jacob Frye and his twin sister Evie Frye both playable.  Jacob will be able to use a grappling hook, a revolver, brass knuckles, and a variety of knives (hand-to-hand combat-oriented as well as throwable).  The game will take place in Victorian London as Jacob and Evie climb from the bottom, an underground world of organized crime, to take back London from the upper elites who abuse the lower working class.

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How Ubisoft is Trying to Change Narrative in Games and Why Their Solution Should be Obvious – Opinion

Story and gameplay are arguably the most prevalent and important elements in a game.  It is easy to pick out the things we love or hate about them and these factors become the fuel for our opinions.  Before a game is released, a lot of attention is put on gameplay, which of course makes sense.  People test the gameplay and the developers receive feedback from test groups so they can make sure they have everything as it needs to be.  However, this is only one critical component.  Where is the attention on story?  Why does the narrative of games not receive as much of a focus?  I recently read an article on Polygon (click here to read it!) which discussed a new way Ubisoft is beginning to approach narrative during the development process of their games and it really makes me wonder why this has not been done all along.

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My Top 8 Games of the Next 6 Months (Part Six continued)

For this series, I will talk about games I am excited for.  All of the games on this list are either pre-ordered, or will be pre-ordered once an official release date is confirmed.  I will be playing all of the following games on PlayStation 4 (with the exception of two).  Everything I say about these games is based solely on my opinion.  I am not saying that any game on this list is better or will be better than any of the others.  They are ordered based on my personal interest and excitement.  I will continue with 3B and work up, the last game being the one which I am most excited for. Here we go!

3B. Assassin’s Creed Rogue

Developer: Ubisoft Sofia

Publisher: Ubisoft

Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Release Date: November 11, 2014


Assassin’s Creed Rogue is an interesting step for the franchise and I am very intrigued by its concept.  The game takes place during the Seven Years’ War and this time around, you play as Shay Cormac.  Shay used to be an Assassin, but is now a Templar.  This game will have ties to AC3 and 4 and it will conclude the story arc that began with the former.  I am taking a risk with this game because for me, the most interesting aspect is its story.  Perhaps I have too much faith in AC Rogue.  Coming off of AC4 and how disappointed I was by the game’s story, I should be more hesitant about creating expectations for myself with this title.  While I am trying my hardest not to set myself up for disappointment, the premise of this game intrigues me to no end, and the game is bringing back one of my favorite characters in the franchise.

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My Top 8 Games of the Next 6 Months (Part Six)

For this series, I will talk about games I am excited for.  All of the games on this list are either pre-ordered, or will be pre-ordered once an official release date is confirmed.  I will be playing all of the following games on PlayStation 4 (with the exception of two).  Everything I say about these games is based solely on my opinion.  I am not saying that any game on this list is better or will be better than any of the others.  They are ordered based on my personal interest and excitement.  The next two parts will be different because one game was announced after I started this series.  I will continue with number 3A, the last game being the one which I am most excited for. Here we go!

3A. Assassin’s Creed Unity

Developer: Ubisoft Montreal

Publisher: Ubisoft

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC

Release Date: October 28, 2014


Assassin’s Creed Unity is the next-generation entry in Ubisoft’s well-known action-adventure franchise.  This entry has received a longer development time than other entries.  This extra time allowed for several major additions to the game.  Ubisoft Montreal’s goal is to redesign the game’s main areas of focus: combat, navigation, and stealth.  In addition, Ubisoft is creating a type of open-world that is new to the franchise.  Co-op will also be a dominant feature.

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